Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Help please!

Hey guys!
So I am nearly finished making the first episode of my first series but in order to post it on yt I need something to video and edit. Please comment any good free screen capture and editing software! Love you all so much! Cant wait!

Friday, June 14, 2019


Hey guys!
Yet again i am so sorry for not posting a lot lately but its for something big: I'm starting a YouTube Chanel and i am going to be putting MSP series on it! I've started planning the first series already! Talk soon guys!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Hey guys!
I’m so mega sorry for not being very active! Also for the tutorial videos they can only be played on some devices so I’m sorry! I promise to be more active! Also a huge shoutout to >green704< on the uk server for she is starring in my new movies which I will also be posting on this blog! Talk soon guys! Xox

Friday, May 24, 2019

Speedpaint Tutorial

Hey guys!
Here is the first tutorial! There is 2 videos because 1 is part 1 and the other part 2! Enjoy! Hope this helps!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Giveaway

Hey guys!
Anyone who is entering my giveaway on msp just comment on here for step 2. Just write your username and something nice! Thank you!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Coming soon!

Hey guys!
At the school I attend, we use pixl edge and I'm doing an art tutorial on my blog for it! Soon I will be posting a few videos and tips on how I do my speedpaints. I know a lot of you guys have been requesting this for a while so I hope this helps you guys! Keep an eye out for it! Also I might not be very active this week because I have a party and I'm also going to my Nan's house for the weekend so I've got a lot this week but if it isn't out this week then I promise it will be next week! Also sorry if the video footage ends up looking horrible! Talk soon guys!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

MSP Speedpaints!

Hey everyone!
So today II'm going to be posting all my available speedpaints so please leave some positive comments and more is coming! Will be posting at least once a day so keep an eye out!