Friday, May 24, 2019

Speedpaint Tutorial

Hey guys!
Here is the first tutorial! There is 2 videos because 1 is part 1 and the other part 2! Enjoy! Hope this helps!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Giveaway

Hey guys!
Anyone who is entering my giveaway on msp just comment on here for step 2. Just write your username and something nice! Thank you!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Coming soon!

Hey guys!
At the school I attend, we use pixl edge and I'm doing an art tutorial on my blog for it! Soon I will be posting a few videos and tips on how I do my speedpaints. I know a lot of you guys have been requesting this for a while so I hope this helps you guys! Keep an eye out for it! Also I might not be very active this week because I have a party and I'm also going to my Nan's house for the weekend so I've got a lot this week but if it isn't out this week then I promise it will be next week! Also sorry if the video footage ends up looking horrible! Talk soon guys!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

MSP Speedpaints!

Hey everyone!
So today II'm going to be posting all my available speedpaints so please leave some positive comments and more is coming! Will be posting at least once a day so keep an eye out!

Next Theme!

Hey guys!
So I am finally leaking the next theme coming out this Thursday! It is called Mascot Madness and it is super cute! DJ masks to fluffy bags! All the credit of the leak goes to LukesMSP. They have their own website and Instagram. Instagram: Lukesmsp and website:    so go check them out!

More coming soon guys!


Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! So I've been planning to do this for a while and now that its happening I'm going to post all sorts on here. Leaks,updates, magazines and things like that. Please contact me with your ideas on the UK server and of course my user is BabyBlue0012 but you can also contact me on Instagram where my user is also BabyBlue0012 so please feel free to add me and message me!

More coming soon. Keep an eye out. Thinking on doing an article where I leak the truth about most highscorers but I'm also planning on doing a couple of leaks including new themes, new dpacks and my personal opinion on them.